
In Portland, Maine we had to go through U.S. Customs while on the ship. The lines were long but we didn’t have to do it again when we disembarked at the end of our trip.

Ellen and Jorge have been here before staying at the Inn by the Sea for a family affair. At that time they took a ferry to Peaks Island and had a great time visiting the Umbrella Covers Museum, seeing a couple of local museums and then touring around the island on a golf cart.

They made the mistake of booking a tour to see Ft. Williams Park. They remembered later being there before. It turned out to be a fine mistake as they got a tour of part of the town they had not seen before. Also, they got a chance to take some fine pictures of the local lighthouse commissioned by President George Washington.

Battery Blair is on the site of the park. It had big guns to defend the port. Today it is a shell of its former self (pun not intended).


Here is an interesting note about our trip to Portland. The previous night the ship’s captain announced that there would be 50 mph winds on our trip due to a storm.

We weren’t too concerned and had our adult beverages and went to bed and fell asleep as the ship rocked on. In the morning the captain announced that the winds had actually topped 90 mph! Good thing we didn’t notice.