Day 1 ~ April 30



Charlotte NC

It took Jorge two days to pack the car. It’s a bit of an art getting it done. First, the seats have to be folded down and the surrounding floor space is filled with items that Ellen doesn’t need to access until she reaches Oxnard CA

Next, heavy suitcases and the portable refrigerator need to be placed in the center of the car. The sides hold food, instruments, Tickle and her kennel. The backpacks go last in the back.

Then electrical items (phones, tablets) need to be in place and connected. When the coffee cups are full and we are on our way.

On the property of the Shenandoah Caverns American Celebration on Parade (it was closed when we arrived) we found a smaller replica of the Statue of Liberty, a big frog holding a pitchfork and a giant cootie

We took pictures of some interesting looking water towers. We even found a mosque being constructed next to a Baptist church.

As always, on our trips, we photographed neat barns and and cute art…even ad art. Check out that trailer with a Target dog. Do you know what a shot tower is? It made round lead balls by dropping hot lead (at least 150 feet) thus letting gravity make them round enough to use as bullets. They were useful until modern bullet cartridges were invented. Along our path we spotted a couple of Confederate pigs in front of a store.

Our highlight this trip was visiting the Andy Griffith Museum. See Jorge pose with a statue of Andy and Ron Howard as they went fishing. Ah, the good old, innocent days of Mayberry! It was a small museum but it covered Andy’s career well. Some video screens showed clips from his greatest hits…include the “Permanent Latrine Orderly” scene from the movie “No Time for Sergeants.” It’s still hilarious and a classic. Before arriving at our hotel we found an enormous moose at Bucko’s fast food restaurant. It was a good day!