After a family get-together at the Rolling Rock Golf Club in Ligonier PA we headed toward Scranton PA. Where we purchased tickets to the Harry Houdini Musmum and Show. More on that on Day 2.

We stopped to take a photo of a rusted sculpture of a giant bicycle built for two in Jennerstown PA. Students at Somerset County Technology Center created this monument (17' high, weight over 1,800 pounds) for the Lincoln Highway Heritage Corridor's Roadside Giants project.

We hoped to get a photo of a monument where the KKK was kicked out of the town of Lilly PA. We didn’t find it but got a picture of a bronze plaque dedicated to the “Nobility of Labor.” It was Saturday and the folks in town took advantage of it by having yard sales.

Finding Bill’s Old Bike Barn and Museum may be the highlight of this trip. We met William Morris and he walked about with us a little telling us about his collections. He also gave us an audio hand unit to use. Push a number and he tells the story. He is a great story teller.

His museum reflects a passion to preserve the past. Bill has always had an appreciation for anything old. His museum shares rare to everyday items forgotten over time. The museum opened in 1998 and is ±55,000 square feet…and counting.

There is an indoor town called Billville. It includes a barber shop, a beauty parlor, a dental office, a shoemaker shop, a fire department, a police department, a post office, a mayor’s office, a service station, a camera shop, a bicycle shop…and more. There is also an upstairs we didn’t get around to seeing. Wow!