We witnessed a fellow using a drill gun where a jackhammer would have worked better. Pretty funny. Anyway, We left Barstow to visit the Thien Vien Chan Nguyen Buddhist Meditation Center. an enormous, beautifully landscaped complex in the middle of the desert.
It took a bit to get there due to an accident on Interstate 15. Check those photos. We hope no one got hurt seriously. Almost all of our pictures today were taken from the car due to the strong, cold winds. As a matter of fact, we didn’t see one tourist in the entire meditation center. This is a place worthy of a future visit.
Then there are those funny desert signs people put up. Lucky Realty or the desert Weeder won the contest. Also, we noted that people would highlight the entrance to their driveways by placing colorful tires by the road.
The other thing we noticed was how green the desert and mountains were. It must have rained while we were gone. This has been a great trip. We hope you choose to follow us on our next trip.