Nuremberg was the one place you couldn’t say you weren’t a Nazi, at one time. This is the place where Hitler decided to have his rallies. Triumph of the Will by Leni Riefenstahl chronicles the 1934 Nazi Congress in Nuremberg which was attended by more the 700,000 Nazi supporters. We visited the Documentation Center who’s purpose is to  remember what happened so that evil is not repeated.


It is located within the walls of the Nazi Congress Hall. That hall was never completed due to the start of the Second World War. Needless to say it was a sobering day.


Yes, we did see the Nuremberg Trial Courtroom and patiently listened to a lecture on world justice being created there. It’s good to know justice wins sometimes. We did visit the old town area (see the photos) and saw the town from the bus.


The weather was oppressively warm again and the restaurant had poor air flow. Of course, we ate sausages for lunch! So, you can’t blame the crew and the passengers for blowing off a little steam by enjoying karaoke night.