Today we took a picture of Sandy, the World’s Largest Sandhill Crane. She’s in Steele, North Dakota. We got a silhouette picture of her because the sun was in the wrong place. She’s 40 feet tall.

Next, we drove to the North American Bison Discovery Center in Jamestown ND. First we passed through Frontier Village to see the World’s Largest Buffalo. We’ve actually been here before. So, why come again? To see White Buffalo inside the museum. Last time we saw her, years ago, she was alive. They also have a real herd of buffalo on the property. Ellen decided to ride one. Ya-hoo!

The Barnes County Historical Society and Museum is in Valley City ND. This is a free or donation museum and it is a gem. There is so much stuff to see! It’s all well documented and on three levels. On the bottom level we learned that Peggy Lee hailed from this area. Wow!

There was an operational player piano but we didn’t touch it. We loved the miniature train town. Those are always a treat.

In Fargo ND we visited the Fargo Air Museum. It is modest in size. See Jorge attempt to fly. Ha!

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